Befriend Cows

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Unveiling the Unexpected: A Surprising Journey Leading to an Impromptu Talk

Imagine wandering through the heart of Little India, Singapore, where colors tell stories, aromas spin tales, and history whispers secrets. That's where my unexpected adventure began earlier this year.

Just a few months back, over a casual meet-up with Bala from The Half Brick, he tossed me an invitation to speak at their first international event in Singapore. Little did I know, the Universe had a sneaky plan—a plan leading me to a space entwined with the history of bovine buddies, though these buddies have long vanished from the streets.

Touching down in Singapore, the puzzle pieces started to click into place. Little India, it turns out, was once a lively web of bullock carts, rhythmically hauling produce to the town for a good bargain. The streets buzzed with cattle-related hustle, from slaughterhouses and tanneries to milk peddlers. The history of this place unfolded before me like a well-kept storybook, unveiling a deep bond between the community and the bovine pals who used to be their daily partners.

Graffiti mural of four men performing cultural ritual on urban building wall in Singapore

Facing the audience, the clash between then and now hit me. Little India, once a hub of bovine activity, is now a place where this history hides beneath layers of modern hustle and bustle. The same streets that once echoed with hooves now bear the marks of an industrial makeover, nudging these noble beings to the outskirts of our awareness. Yet, the exploitation still continues.

Cow installations for Project Oasis, Singapore

The irony hit hard during my impromptu talk—the very values of acceptance, forgiveness, and gratitude I was championing clashed with a past where bovine animals were treated as commodities for profit. I wondered if, amid all the exploitation, a sprinkle of love towards these animals lingered, even if it's a bit questionable.

Surprisingly, my talk provoked reflections that could dig up values buried by time's march. I had people from the audience come up to me and share their perspectives on wanting to love and spend time with bovine animals, while some even spoke of a time when their grandparents had witnessed cows walk the streets of Little India.

A cow being milked as her calf looks on, mid-20th century. Courtesy of National Museum of Singapore.

While my message could resonate globally, the Universe guided me to share it in Little India—a place tightly knit with a history of cattle trade, adding a unique twist to the story. Essentially, I advocate for a fresh look at our bond with animals—a call to rise above the shadows of exploitation and welcome a future filled with love, respect, and harmony.

The Universe led me to a place where the echoes of exploitation linger beneath the surface. I was nudged to spill the beans on learning life lessons from animals, especially our four-legged bovine buddies. Now, I'm curious to hear your tales—moments when the Universe tossed you into unexpected situations, throwing challenges or revelations your way. Share your experiences in the comments, and let's unravel the cosmic mysteries together!